The show has begun. Most of the class arrived at the Juneau Arts and Humanities Center at 9 a.m. Thursday the day before the opening. We persevered through a power outage, due to a heavy snow storm, to get the show up on the walls. Luckily the power came on after an hour or so. It helped greatly being able to see what we were doing.
I made some adjustments to earlier works to present in the show. These are the three pieces.
A good turn-out at the opening. An interesting ceramics display in the main gallery room. Our show occupied the wide hallway. Not a bad space. We filled the available space with over 20 pieces (counting Cathy's matrix of 9 small individual ipod designs as one piece). All of the work is good and shows a wide variety of styles. John Fehringer did not show work because the technology back-fired on him. The hard drive containing work he planned to print and show decided to exhibit its own artistic temperment and refused to divulge the masterworks stored within. At the show John busied himself setting out large plates of cheeses and crackers, cookies etc . I conclude from this that perhaps the way to a mans ART is through his stomach.
We each posted our artists statement next to our works.
The weekly paper "the hooligan" carried a full spread on the various art happenings about town for the gallery walk and December. One of my paintings was displayed on the page along with about 5 other works from other shows. Ironically, they displayed a piece that I didn't even put in the show, also they included the wrong title and a production process that was for a different work. Oh well, just details suppose.