Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Refining earlier works

There is nothing like looking back at works from weeks ago to see attributes you wish were different. Unlike our lives, digital art can be changed!
I have increased clarity to the main face in "Dale works late" by adding another layer on top and copying in the original photo, well not the original but an un-cloned version. I then inverted a selection of the face and the pencil and deleted all but. I then softened the edges of remaining selections using an eraser with only 10% opacity.  I also used transform to both shrink and enlarge the various hovering duplicate faces. 
In the "Crazy Dance" I reduced the opacity of the top layer which was partially bucket painted so that more of the original painting shows through. I also redrew some lines that looked too broken and sketchy. Some other minor changes. This one I am fine tuning for our class show that is happening this Friday 12/5/2008 (the gallery walk) at the Juneau Arts and Humanities Center. 

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